Reka Cables is one of the biggest cable producers in Finland with an annual turnover of EUR 85 million. To its customers, Reka offers a wide variety of installation and power cables from low voltage to 170 kilovolts. Reka’s main markets are in the Nordic countries and the Baltics with sales subsidiaries in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia and St. Petersburg, Russia.Co-operation with Maillefer began already in the late 90's, when Reka decided to expand from building wire and low voltage to medium and high voltage cable production.
Reka and Maillefer share a keen interest in improving cable production operations at all levels. High quality is a must, and it has to be achieved with the minimum cost of ownership. The companies engage in joint product testing on Reka’s production lines, especially in extrusion and crosslinking processes. Maillefer’s newest screw and crosshead designs, for example, have improved Reka’s production processes significantly. For Reka, this has been a perfect way to stay ahead of competitors.
At the moment, there is a huge need to find the most sustainable solutions. Thanks to close cooperation with Maillefer’s competent specialists, Reka has managed to achieve short delivery times and flexibility in production as well as savings in material, energy and operation costs.
“We feel that sustainability can always be improved throughout the production lifecycle. In that respect, Maillefer has been a great business partner,” sums up Jari Henttonen, Reka’s Production Director.