In every situation, we strive to act responsibly, lawfully and in accordance with the ethical values of our company. If there are any irregularities in our activities, we want to know.
We have introduced a confidential notification channel service in ourcompany, which allows our staff and stakeholders to safely report any irregularities they have perceived. You can submit a notification if you suspect that a criminal offence, misconduct or any other activity contrary to the values of our company has taken place.
We recommend that you discuss the problems primarily with your manager or the person responsible for the matter in our company. However, if you feel that you do not want to bring up the matter with these people, you can use the notification channel. If you wish, you can submit the notification anonymously through the notification channel and discuss the matter anonymously with the notification handler.
All notifications will be treated appropriately and confidentially. We will always protect the confidentiality of the identity of the notifying person, the person that is the subject of the notification and any other parties mentioned in the notification.
The information in thenotification can only be accessed by persons authorised to process it, and we will not disclose your personal data to third parties without your consent. Other experts may also be used in the processing to ensure appropriate handling.
People authorised to process notifications in our company can ask you for more information about your notification via the notification channel. They will also respond via the channel within three months and let you know what action we may take on the basis of your notification. Therefore, please make a note of the code you receive after submitting the notification so that you can sign in to your notification and communicate with the alert handlers during the follow-up.
The notification channel can be accessed at
The notification channel has been implemented with an impartial, external partner (The Finland Chamber of Commerce) in order to conceal the identity of anonymous notifiers. The Finland Chamber of Commerce provides the technical implementation of the service and does not receive notifications.
The reports received through the reporting channel are received and treated confidentially by the handlers authorised by the company. Only authorised handlers have access to the notifications.
You can always submit a notification anonymously. The handlers receiving the notification will not have access to metadata or an IP address that would make it possible to identify the notifier. All notifications are encrypted at the time of creation with a symmetric and asymmetric strong encryption algorithm that cannot be decrypted or changed afterwards. The handlers will only see the date of the notification and the content of the notification.
The notifier may, if they wish, submit their name and contact details together with the notification. The information in the notification can only be accessed by persons authorised to process it. We will not disclose your personal data to third parties without your express consent, unless appropriate processing of the notification requires that the information be submitted to the authorities or other similar measures.
Please do not include sensitive personal data in the notification unless it is necessary for the description of the notification and its processing.